by Jannie Linney on April 12th, 2021
No Other God We hear of all these other gods and what the people believe who worship them. There is no other God except the one true God that warrants a capital “G”. He is the God that created all things. ”For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him ...  Read More
by Mark Robinson on November 11th, 2019
This is the month of thanksgiving and we need to think about the thing we are most thankful for. That is what led me to share with you, my readers, my most precious procession. This is my Testimony.I was raised in Church. I knew the Children’s Bible stories. I had the head knowledge of Jesus. I believed there was a God and that Jesus was His son. My parents were real Christians and lived a good mo...  Read More
For This Purpose #5
by Jannie Linney on August 1st, 2019
For this Purpose #5  Some say, “Will you ever get off this subject?” This is the subject of the whole Bible, the word of God. That we might understand what our purpose is, to grow, to mature, for our personal enhancement, but that we might also help others, move into Jesus. We need knowledge of the plan of God in order to do that. We also need the Power of the Holy Spirit or not much will happen. ...  Read More
For This Purpose #4
by Jannie Linney on July 20th, 2019
For this Purpose #4 Continuing the study on our purpose in Life, is very exciting when we began to see it experientially. God had much more in store for us than we can imagine. “Eye hath not seen nor ear heard or mind conceived what God has in store for those who love Him. [1 Cor. 3:9]. Do you love Him --- with your whole heart? We were studying the awesome day of Pentecost, the experience that i...  Read More
For This Purpose #3
by Jannie Linney on July 10th, 2019
For this Purpose, #3 For three weeks now we have been talking about our purpose. After salvation God appeared to us to make us ministers and witnesses of what we have seen and what He will show us. He brought us out of darkness into the light so we can lead others out of darkness, that they might receive forgiveness of sin and receive their inheritance in the Kingdom of God. It is His plan that we...  Read More
For This Purpose #2
by Jannie Linney on July 2nd, 2019
For this Purpose #2  Millions of Americans and around the world are searching or at least have the question inside themselves,  ”What is the purpose of life? What is My Purpose? Last week we started a message that will help people understand the main focus of that question. So if you will just read last weeks and this week’s article before you make a snap decision, it will help us see a portion of...  Read More
For This Purpose #1
by Jannie Linney on June 26th, 2019
For this Purpose #1  “But arise and stand upon thy feet: for I have appeared unto thee for this purpose, to make you a minister and a witness both of these things which thou hast seen, and of those things in which I will appear unto thee” [Acts 26:16]. To lay a little ground work, this was said to Paul after he was born again.  The same thing Jesus is still say in to us today after we are born aga...  Read More